Thursday, April 06, 2006

And so it starts...

Finally I have entered the realm of the 21st century media, Blogging. I never was one for giving my opinion unless solicited, but hell, why not. This gives me an opportunity to improve my English.

As I am sure you can tell from the title of my Blog, I am passionate about SOA or (Service Oriented Architecture). If only I had the faintest idea what SOA really was....

My mission with this blog is to discover SOA with my audience (self + 1) and hopefully before too long, be able to crisply articulate SOA and how it will make your business more agile, extensible and ready for change.

To be honest, I have dabbled in the SOA space, and my current project involves migrating from a monolithic service based application, to a SOA. O yes, btw, the mere presence of web services does not imply SOA, nor does a SOA require web services. I have seen web services been used as a new transport, without any architectural changes, which is oddly enough the worst scenario, as SOA by the nature of the transport, SOAP(XML) is probably the most bloated wire payload.

But having delt with the worst of SOA, e.g, not the fasted distributed architecture on the block, tapping the benefits is an easy task. In my next posting, I will attempt to explain where SOA fits into the OOP model we all have come to know and love, and when to let go of OOP. Think in messages....

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